
Monday, April 14, 2014

How Much is Our Children's Value ?


It's still morning, but my eyes have been filled with water. Not because of flood water, it hasn't been raining in North Bekasi for these couple of days. But because of this following writing that I've been shared from a whats-app group (whoever wrote this following article, I ask your permission to share it in this blog) :...

How Much is Our Children's Value?
How much is the value of your children? Confused? of course..

Because we can't appraise our children with material value. Their value is inestimable..!

But do they really invaluable?

Sometimes, probably most of the times, children are the less valuable for their parents..

Sometimes they have less value than a crystal jar. When the jar is broken accidentally, parent's anger will then break the child's heart, making the child down. At that time, crystal jar has more value than the child.

Sometimes, children have even less value than some porcelain ware. So when the porcelains broken, parent's voice will be in a high sharp note piercing the child's heart...

Or sometimes, even less valuable than a bowl of soup spilled only because their little hands want to help mommy in the kitchen...
 The parent's glaring eyes are felt more appropriate even when it has to spill the child's tears.

Or sometimes children are less valuable than a brand new car, so that a scratch on the car's paint is considered more dangerous than a scratch on the child's heart..

Sometimes children are also less valuable than Facebook or a soccer game... There will be more time and attention spent for Facebook and watching the soccer game compared to hearing a child's story about his/her school..

Sometimes children's value are less than a hand-phone or gadget. "No, you will break it !!" Parents are worried about a dis-functioned gadget more than they're worried about their children's maimed feelings.

So how much is the value of our children?? It is as far as "how we could restrain ourselves for not breaking their hearts"

It is as high as we can place them far above the value of the material things we posses. Those material things won't be able to help us in the hereafter.

While our children... they are our future infestation in front of Allah The Almighty.

Children are those who will prolonged our legacy with their prayers and good deeds that we've tought them to do..

Oo, Allah... should there be any bad mistake of us when we raise our children, please let it disappear from our children's memory... Please eliminate the bad traces from our hands, eyes and mouth...

Oo, Allah...We are only like a depository service for Thee. Verily Thou would take Thy deposits back, and we'd like Thee to be satisfied with our service. 

So then, we could reserve the right for Thy grace in the hereafter...

"Rabbana hablana min azwaajina wa dzuriyatina qurrata a'yun wa ja'alnaa lil muttaqiinaa imaaman..."
Amiin yaa Rabb...

Subhanallah, those words just stab right through my heart. Suddenly I can see my children's cute faces in my mind. I remember how I often get angry with them. Or maybe just my upset glare  at them. And sometimes I even yell at them. Although I've never beat or hurt my children physically, in fact, I might have hurt them mentally..

Oh my God, what kind of a mother am I? Please forgive me ya, Allah, please forgive me.. I've never meant to hurt my children. The ones which I've carried for months inside me, whom I gave birth to with all the efforts. Them, who You have created from my own blood and flesh. Those who I took care and raised with love. I didn't realize that my anger because of this worldly materials will in fact hurt their feelings. Forgive me, oo Allah, I am so remorseful.

Oo Allah, I have to change my self. From now on, I am determined to restrain my anger and put my children and family higher above any worldly materials. Please help me, Lord, teach me how to be a better mother. Because I'm only human, I can't do it without Your guidance. Please guide me ,oo Allah, so that my mouth would not let out any harsh words to those whom I love, and these eyes of mine would not glare angrily to those faces whom I care the most.

Oh my... how I just want to hug my two children right now.. to express my love for them, and to apologize for my my mistakes to them. Unfortunately, they're at school now.

My Eldest is fighting for his final Exam at the High School. "Don't you worry, Son, you will get the best grade, in sya Allah. My prayers will always be with you."

My little one is probably still studying and playing with her school mates. She's the one who can't be far from me. When I'm at home, she always stick close to me just like a stamp to a letter. And because of her desire for all the attention from me, there are often something she's done which upset me and make me angry. I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I really am...

So I keep on thinking about them, regretting all the mistakes I've done..

Ah, it's now twelve sharp in the afternoon. Time for me to get prepared to welcome my children home. I promise my self, I will welcome them with the sweetest smile they've ever seen, and a warmest hug for them. I pray, that from today on, I can change my self to be the greatest mom they'll ever have. Aameen..

by : Yulinda

Berapa Harga Anak-anak Kita?? 


Pagi-pagi mata saya sudah tergenang air. Bukan karena kebanjiran, secara sudah beberapa hari ga turun hujan di Bekasi Utara. Tapi karena dapat sharing-an tulisan berikut dari grup Whatsapp (saya mohon izin utk mencantumkannya dalam blog ini, pada siapapun yang membuatnya).. :


Berapa harga anakmu? Bingung pasti...

Karena nilai anak tak bisa diukur dg materi, Tak ternilai..!

 Tapi benarkah anak itu tak ternilai?

Kadang2 atau mungkin seringkali anak bernilai sangat rendah di mata orangtua..

 Kadang dia lebih rendah dari sebuah guci kristal.
 Ketika guci itu pecah tanpa sengaja, maka rasa marah kemudian memecahkan perasaan anak, merendahkan nilai anak.... guci lebih berharga saat itu..!

Kadang dia lebih rendah nilainya dari sebuah mangkok atau piring.. Yg jika pecah, suara kemudian meninggi memecahkan hati sang anak..

Atau lbh rendah dari semangkok sayur yg tertumpah, karena tangan kecilnya berusaha membantu ibu di dapur.

Mata yg melotot terasa lbh pantas walaupun harus menumpahkan air mata sang anak...! 

Atau lbh rendah dari sebuah mobil baru yg jika tergores, maka goresannya dianggap lbh berbahaya ketimbang goresan luka di hati sang anak...

Kadang anak jg lbh rendah nilainya dibanding facebook atau pertandingan bola....

 sehingga lebih banyak waktu dan keseriusan yg dihabiskan utk facebook dan nonton bola ketimbang mendengarkan cerita anaknya di sekolah..

Kadang anak lbh rendah nilainya dari handphone.. "gak boleh nanti rusak...!"
kekhawatiran HP rusak lbh besar dibanding kekhawatiran rusaknya perasaan sang anak.

Berapa nilai anak bagi kita? Adalah sejauh keikhlasan kita menahan diri hingga tidak merusak hatinya....

Adalah sejauh kemampuan kita menempatkan harga dirinya jauh diatas benda2 mati yg kita miliki...
Benda itu tidak akan menolong kita di yaumil akhir..!

 Sementara anak, adalah investasi kita dihadapan Allah.

Dia yg akan memperpanjang usia historis kita dg doa dan amal sholih yg kita ajarkan dan dia melakukannya..

Ya Allah...jika ada keburukan akhlak kami ketika membesarkannya...
hilangkanlah dari ingatan anak2 kami...
hilangkan jejak2 keburukan dari tangan, mata atau mulut kami.

Kami hanya penitipan, sesungguhnya Engkau akan mengambil titipanMu, dan kami ingin Engkau puas dg titipan itu...

 Hingga kami berhak atas RahmatMu di yaumil akhir...

"Rabbana hablana min azwaajina wa dzuriyatina qurrata a'yun wa ja'alnaa lil muttaqiinaa imaaman..."
Amiin yaa Rabb...

Subhanallah, itu tulisan langsung mak deg... berassaaa banget di hati saya. Langsung terbayang wajah manis anak-anak saya. Saya ingat bagaimana saya suka marah-marah sama mereka, atau paling ga sekedar melotot kesal, bahkan suka juga berteriak. Meskipun saya ga pernah memukul atau menyakiti anak-anak secara fisik, ternyata saya sering banget melukai hari mereka.

Ya Allah, ibu seperti apa saya ini?? Ampuni saya, ya, Allah, ampuni saya... Sama sekali tidak ada niatan di hati saya untuk menyakiti anak-anak yang begitu saya sayangi. Mereka yang saya kandung berbulan-bulan dan saya lahirkan dengan penuh perjuangan. Mereka yang Kau ciptakan dengan darah dan daging saya sendiri.. Mereka yang saya urus dan besarkan dengan cinta.. Tidak pernah terlintas dalam pikiran saya, bahwa kemarahan saya karena kebendaan ternyata dapat melukai mental mereka. Ampuuun, ya Allah, saya sangat menyesal...

Ya Allah, saya harus memperbaiki diri. mulai saat ini, saya bertekad untuk lebih menahan emosi dan menempatkan anak-anak dan keluarga saya jauh di atas nilai2 kebendaan duniawi. Tolong saya, ya Allah, ajari saya untuk bisa menjadi ibu yang lebih baik. Karena saya hanya manusia biasa, saya tak dapat melakukannya tanpa bimbingan-Mu. Tuntun saya, ya Allah, agar mulut saya tidak lagi mengeluarkan kata2 pedas pada mereka yang saya kasihi, atau mata ini jangan lagi menyiratkan kemarahan pada wajah2 mereka yang saya sayangi.

Pengeeennn banget saat ini saya langsung memeluk 2 orang buah hati saya, mencurahkan kasih sayang saya dan meminta maaf atas kesalahan saya. Sayangnya mereka sedang sekolah.

Si Sulung sedang berjuang dengan UN-nya di SMK. Nak, jangan gentar. In sya Allah kamu bisa memperoleh nilai terbaik. Doa mamy selalu menyertaimu.

Si kecil pastinya sedang asik belajar dan bermain bersama teman-temannya di sekolah.. Dia yang paling tidak bisa lepas dari saya. Kalau saya ada di rumah, sikecil ini maunya nempeel terus kaya' perangko. Dan karena nempel terus dan minta perhatian itulah, ada aja ulahnya yang bikin saya gregetan dan akhirnya marah-marah. Maafkan mamy, ya, Sayang...

Saya terus saja mikirin mereka sambil ngerasa nyeseel banget atas semua kesalahan saya pada mereka.

Ah, sudah jam 12.00 siang niy. Saatnya saya bersiap-siap menyambut kepulangan mereka dari sekolah. Saya berjanji, saya akan sambut mereka dengan senyuman paling ramah yang pernah mereka lihat, dan pelukan paling hangat untuk mereka. Dan semoga, mulai hari ini, saya bisa merubah diri saya menjadi ibu yang terbaik bagi mereka. Aamiin..

oleh : Yulinda


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