Have you ever heard of one term : Super Mom?
When I first heard of that term, what came to my mind was : a lady or mommy wearing a costume like wonder woman plus a flying cape, having a great power, skills in combat, can fly, kicking bad people as**s, while carrying her children, etc... Just an image of a marvel's comics superhero.
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Later then I know what the words really mean. It's a term we use to call a mother with so much duties and responsibilities, like working somewhere, making money, have good career or business but still have enough time and energy to take care of her family with her own two hands... So many duties at work, while at home she still find her time to cook and clean up for the family, doing laundry, feeding her babies, taking the kids to bed, reading them stories, and still after that, she has to please her husband. And the next morning, she has to prepare the kids for school, her husband's breakfast then driving the kids to school while she's on the way to her own office. ZUUUPEERRR...
Is it possible to be a Super Mom? Well of course, there are so many examples, just look around us...
- A single mother, raising 2 or more kids by her own. She has to work, earn money to support her family, to feed her children and fulfill their other needs. And still succeeded in bringing her children to be "Some one"..
- Or a mother who is actively helping other people in social works or community and still find sometime to take care of her own family..
- A wife and a mother, doing all her chores taking care her husband, her kids, her home, 24/7...
It's really is a hard thing to do. But whether we want it or not, most mother would strive to be a Super Mom, one way or another.
Because for a mother, most mother, her life is on a high rope, 24 hours a day. She has to be able to balance between job and family. She has to balance between her ego and her love...
"Job" is an ego, where a woman can reach the same level/ position with a man, where we, women, can get a better judgement and acknowledgement from others for our own capabilities... Being self-fulfilled financially has become more and more important for women, now then ever.
But "Love" in the other side, for us women, holds it's own importance we can't just neglect. Because we are what Allah has created us to be, a beautiful creature with gentle hearth and loving touch.. So our love for our family, would meant a lot for us too.. We, women, have to balance those aspects, struggle to stay aloft and not tumbling down just because we choose to give our attention to one side only.
Just like my self. I'm a wife, mother of two and I own a growing business in culinary with some staffs working for me. My husband, a professional chef has been working abroad, most of the times. He's rarely at home to help me with the kids and my business. So I've been struggling to be a Super Mom for years now. Juggling my time between running my own business and taking care of my family. directing my staffs, taking care my home and my children, my aging parents. I have to be a leader, a boss, a courier, a mommy, a chauffeur. Some times I feel I don't have enough time to do all these duties. I don't even have enough time for some "Me-time". I've been doing this for years... Some friends of mine sometimes call me a Super Mom. But have I succeeded to be a Super Mom?
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I don't think so.. at least, not yet. Even with everything that I've done, I'm still just a Super Mom Wannabe.. See, if there is an award for a Super Mom competition, I would have been lost. Why? Because I still need a lot of help. I still need to have a servant at home, my parents still help me watching my kids sometimes, I still need the help from my assistant at work. So I think, I'm still far away to be called a Super Mom.
What I can do is only give my best and pray, that all my efforts wouldn't be in vain.. Because life is a process. Our efforts and struggles to be a Super Mom or a wonder woman can only be rewarded when the time come. It's when our business/career has achieved a fruitful result, and while in the other hand, our family still intact solidly, our husband's love for us keep going strong and our children have become "some one" we'd be proud of. That's when we're really called... The SUPER MOM...
hmmm... MOM's is super hero in the world..
*sambil ngunyah kamus ehhekkk
Bontoot, awas keselek... mendingan kamusnya dibakar, trus abunya dijadiin kopi, enak di sruput.. sluuurrpp... wkwkwk...
No body's perfect Mba, even Batman needs Robin, hehehe...
Ho-oh, Mbak Endah... Super Mom harusnya punya sepuluh pasang tangan, itupun mungkin belum cukup. But anyway, beruntunglah kita jadi perempuan, kita diciptakan untuk selalu bisa multitasking. Makanya yang sering ada ya Super Mom, sementara Super Dad jarang banget kedengeran, 1:10.000 kali ya... he..he..
Hmmm tepok jidat lihat gambarnya....heroiknya mama...tangan 2 serasa memiliki 4 tangan...mengerjakan segala halll
Zupeeeerrrrr... good writer.. ih, bahasa inggrisnya kursus dimana sih.. hehehe...
Ha..ha.. Masih kurang tuh tangannya, harusnya 10 pasang kali ya...
Aih, Mbak Ina, ceritanya ini juga lagi belajar bahasa inggris kan.. Mumpung dikasih pe-er menulis, sekalian deh practice. Barusan habis ngunyah kamus lagi barengan sm Pipit... Heu..heu..heu..
selalu keren...selalu perfect ...bener-bener zuupeer dupper mom deh mb Yulinda...ck..ck...hebat...semua tertangani dg baik...bagi ilmu managementnyaaa donk...hehe *sambil ikutan ngunyah kamus hihi*
Well done, yes You are, mom. A Zupeerr Dupeer Mommy. Nice share, thank you
Super mom, here we are... with 24 hours and more. Good quote mom yullinda, you're still the best... :)
Mbak Tyra... mari sama-sama mengunyah,, xixixi...
Ma'aciih, Bu Guru... atas dorongan semangatnya selalu...
24/7, Mbak... 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu. Jarang banget kan, para Ibu mengambil cuti mengurusi keluarganya meskipun sebentar, kecuali sedang sakit atau terpaksa banget pergi tanpa keluarganya.. Padahal orang kerja di kantor aja banyak banget libur dan cuti bersamanya.. belum lagi vacation, bolos, call sick, ngabur... you name it... :-D
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